
The University of Southern Queensland (USQ) is a young, dynamic, Australian university, which in 25 years has become a leader in flexible and online study and is internationally recognised for performing practical, world-class research that delivers high impact solutions.
With a student population representing over 90 nationalities, USQ is the most multicultural university (per capita) in Australia. We recognise that most people lead busy lives so we are committed to ensuring students get the most from their journey with us by offering flexible study options. With over 75% of our students studying online, USQ is committed to providing an unmatched online experience.
 Studying on-campus at one of USQ’s three locations (Toowoomba, Springfield, and Ipswich) is a rewarding way to undertake a university degree in a safe and friendly environment. With modern facilities, a relatively low cost of living and easy access to Brisbane and the Gold Coast, you can make the most of your studies in Australia with USQ.
 USQ is committed to performing research that is not only of academic relevance but engages with industry and our stakeholders whilst contributing to innovation that benefits our communities, the nation and beyond.
Key to our research culture is working with industry to understand problems facing the sector, and collaboratively developing new ideas and technologies that have a real impact with tangible benefits.
We have demonstrated research capability and expertise to service industry needs in a number of key areas including;
• Agriculture and agribusiness
•Culture, heritage and archaeology
•Environmental sciences
•Health and behavioural sciences
•Mathematical sciences and hypersonics
•Materials engineering and engineering technology
•Regional community and economic development